Surviving Procrastination
Episode 6
Show Notes
On this episode of NAMI-OC's Declassified Anxiety Survival Guide, host Philip, Breann, and Amanda tackle procrastination nation! Join us as we talk about what type of procrastinator we are, relive our best/worst college procrastination horror stories, how avoidance, anxiety, fear, and procrastination go hand in hand, self-talk is important, bribing ourselves out of avoidance, focus on the start date, not the end date, more!
In this episode our hosts talk about:
What is procrastination
4 major types of procrastinators
Reasons behind's NOT laziness!
Some tips and tricks to deter the feelings of procrastination
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NAMI OC's Declassified Anxiety Survival Guide is for informational/educational and/or entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
NAMI OC's Declassified Anxiety Survival Guide is funded by Orange County Healthy Care Agency (OCHCA), Behavioral Health Services, Prevention & Intervention, Mental Health Services ACT/Prop. 63.