Why give to NAMI Orange County?

NAMI is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization. We are dedicated to improving the lives of millions of Americans affected by mental illness. We strive to create a better tomorrow—a tomorrow where all people affected by mental illness can experience hope, recovery and wellness in a world free of stigma.

Donate to NAMI Orange County

When you make a financial contribution to NAMI, you help us make that tomorrow a reality. You help ensure that no individual or family is alone on their mental health journey. You help provide a national network of support and resources, both online and in communities across the country.

If you prefer to donate by check, our mailing address is:

16480 S Harbor Blvd, Suite #101
Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Donate in Remembrance of a Loved One

When completing the donation form, you’ll have the opportunity to dedicate your gift to a loved one.

A gift that helps improve the lives of millions of Americans affected by mental illness. We strive to create a better tomorrow—a tomorrow where all people affected by mental illness can experience hope, recovery and wellness in a world free of stigma.

More Ways to Donate:


We have on-going events and fundraising programs every year.

Upcoming Events:

Please subscribe to our NEWSLETTER to receive information
about upcoming opportunities to give to NAMI or even volunteer your services!

2023 Annual Report