Programs for Communities
NAMI Orange County’s programs and events are held virtually and/or in person.
Click here to view the NAMI OC Calendar.
We are currently looking for more In Our Own Voice speakers who are ready to share their mental health story
as a peer and/or as a loved one of someone with a mental health condition.
All In Our Own Voice presenters will receive training and support from our NAMI OC staff.
In Our Own Voice
In Our Own Voice presentations change attitudes, assumptions, and stereotypes about people with mental health conditions. These no-cost, 40-, 60- or 90-minute presentations provide a personal perspective of mental illness, as presenters with lived experience share their stories. Our trained presenters humanize the misunderstood, highly stigmatized topic of mental illness by showing that it is possible, and common, to live well with a mental health condition.
Knowledge Forums
Knowledge Forums are one-time educational presentations on topics including but not limited to: mental health conditions, early warning signs, stress management, bullying, social media, cultural sensitivity, and available resources. Presentations are held on a year-round basis and are offered at no-cost. Knowledge Forums encourage community engagement with important issues that impact the community and empower attendees through gained knowledge.
C.A.R.E. Together Knowledge Forums
Our C.A.R.E. Together Knowledge Forum Series focuses on cultural awareness and promotes inclusivity through shared experience, while reducing mental health stigma. Our C.A.R.E. Together acronym stands for Cultivating, Awareness, Respect and Empowerment Together.
Join us for panel discussions on allyship, cultural & social awareness and mental health.
Hope In Recovery Forums
This new forum is focused on the intersection of substance use and mental health. Our vision is to bring together people with lived experience, family members, and treatment and community providers to encourage a sense of agency and provide resources to our community that have the power to save lives and inspire hope.
The forums will be set around these three values: Agency (An individual's capacity to determine their own future), Access (providing resources to encourage self advocacy) and Support (giving hope to peers and family members affected by substance abuse and mental health).
NAMI Nights
Join us for a monthly family friendly event with phenomenal activities that promote self care, energetic group exercises, workshops, art classes, wellness and more. All are welcome!
Please take a look at our calendar for upcoming events and stay informed with our newsletter.