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HONEST HOUR - Dialing Hope: Mental Health Helpline Realities via ZOOM

  • NAMI ORANGE COUNTY Hosted via ZOOM (map)

Are you curious about mental health crisis hotlines and helplines? Do you have questions about seeking help for mental health concerns? Join us for Honest Hour, where you can get answers from trained professionals. Don't let myths and misconceptions keep you from reaching out for support. This is a safe and supportive space to learn more and find support for yourself or a loved one. We hope to see you there!

Joining our panel to answer your questions are:

Honest Hour is a virtual and anonymous safe space for teens and young adults to seek answers to your mental health questions and connect through shared experiences.

Do you have a question you would like to ask our panelists regarding this topic during Honest Hour?

Submit your questions by:

**All questions submitted will remain ANONYMOUS.